Gift certificates are a great way to turn one of your relatives or friends onto the local food movement! GIve the gift of locally grown food in ANY amount.
You must be logged in to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card online. Please Login or Create an Account using the links below. To process your Gift Certificate, complete the form below and click Add to Cart. After you have completed checkout you will receive a
confirmation, and we will email the gift certificate to the email
address you have entered for each recipient.
If you'd like to keep the certificate a secret, go ahead and put your
own email address in the form. You then can print out that certificate
and give it when you're ready, or we can email you a version of the gift certificate above.
If you prefer to pay by check or have any questions, please e-mail us at MendoLakeFoodHub@ncoinc.org or call us at (707) 467-3238.
Thank you for supporting Local Food!